Virtual Grammatica: From Trauma to Transformation Intensive
sun05julAll Daysat11Virtual Grammatica: From Trauma to Transformation Intensive(All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Event Details
Immerse yourself during this 7-day virtual initiation in the first of the Liberal Arts — Grammatica, which concerns the power of words. The words we will explore are trauma and heart
Event Details
Immerse yourself during this 7-day virtual initiation in the first of the Liberal Arts — Grammatica, which concerns the power of words. The words we will explore are trauma and heart coherence, alongside practices specifically designed to empower you toward healing and wholeness. Through dialogue, meditation and ritual we create brain and heart coherence. This is an opportunity to heal your wounds and transform your life.
Dates: July 5 – 11, 2020
Location: On Zoom at 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT | 2:00 – 4:00 PM ET | 8:00 – 10:00 PM CET
All sessions will be recorded, so you can access the replay if you are not able to join the live sessions.
Faculty: Robert Browning, Sheva Carr, Apela Colorado, Ruth Cunningham, Jim Garrison, Andrew Harvey and Banafsheh Sayyad
Special presentations via video: Jim Garrison’s dialogues with Thomas Hubl, Gabor Mate and Nassim Haramein
Mentors for the Ubiquity Chartres Academy NextGen Program: Nora Silini, Matt Robertson and Raji Jayasinghe
Academic Credit: Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral – 4 credits
Click here to register.
The Liberal Art of Grammatica: From Trauma to Transformation
We are shaping Grammatica around two fundamental questions at this moment in history:
• What is the most fundamental and pervasive phenomenon in our contemporary world? Which “Word” best describes our situation today?
• What is the most effective way to bring healing and wholeness to our lives?
We propose that the most fundamental reality being experienced in the world today, and the most fundamental “Word,” is trauma. We are all victims of trauma. It permeates every aspect of human society and the natural ecosystem and has been building in the world psyche for generations. If we are to heal, we need to examine the pervasive trauma that infects our lives, our politics, our economics, our religions, and now threatens our planetary ecology.
What is the most effective way to transform trauma into healing? The answer we will explore is through heart coherence. All healing begins in the heart. To experience this, we have partnered with the HeartMath Institute which for decades has been pioneering research in and practices for creating heart coherence. Featured speakers Robert Browning and Sheva Carr, HeartMath Master Trainers and Co-Founders of Heart Ambassadors, will explain the mysterious power of heart coherence and teach us how to create it in our lives. There will be daily meditations on heart coherence.
Increasing coherence is the key to healing. When the brain and the heart reach coherence, especially in a spirit of loving kindness and gratitude, the entire chemistry of the body is transformed. Everything we think, say and do affects our body chemistry for good and for ill. We will focus on how to develop positive emotions and clear intentions about a positive future. Embodied Transformed Consciousness is the key to a coherent life and to changing the world.
Ubiquity Chartres Academy NextGen
This year, we extend a special welcome to those under 30 to participate in the Ubiquity Chartres Academy NextGen to learn the energetics of consciousness and in so doing, take greater control of their attitudes, behaviors and destinies. If this next generation cannot solve our escalating global problems, human civilization will be forfeit. Knowing this, we need to do everything we can to empower our young and to support the activation of their highest potential. This is what the Ubiquity Chartres Academy NextGen is being established to catalyze.
- Robert Browning and Sheva Carr, HeartMath Master Trainers and Co-Founders of Heart Ambassadors, will guide us to achieve heart coherence.
- Apela Colorado, PhD, indigenous scientist and elder of the Oneida-Gaul ancestry, founder of the World Indigenous Science Network will invoke our days and guide the exploration of our dreams.
- Ruth Cunningham, classically trained musician, sound healer and founding member of the Anonymous 4 will guide us in singing, and create soundscapes during our sessions.
- Jim Garrison, PhD, Founder and President of Ubiquity University, lifelong scholar of history, philosophy and religion, will offer daily “nuggets” and moderate the virtual sessions of Grammatica.
- Andrew Harvey, PhD (Hons), scholar, mystic and author of more than 30 books will share his understanding of the Black Madonna.
- Calen Rayne, DMin, Director of Energetics, will offer a contemplation of the labyrinth.
- Banafsheh Sayyad, MFA, MA, sacred dancer, choreographer, teacher, founder of Dance of Oneness®, and Creative Director at Ubiquity University, will guide us to embody the wisdom teachings we explore during our week via embodiment practices.
Special Presentations via Video
During our virtual sessions, moderated by Jim Garrison, we will be sharing links to his recorded dialogues with Thomas Hubl, Gabor Mate, and Nassim Haramein to stimulate new thinking, enhance our reflections and generate discussion:
- Nassim Haramein, a physicist with radically new theories about the universe, on how the new physics are reshaping our understanding of who we are and our relationship with the cosmos.
- Thomas Hubl, mystical teacher and author, on transgenerational trauma and how we can heal ourselves and our communities from the accumulated trauma of our individual and collective past.
- Gabor Mate, MD and author, on how our emotional dysfunctions cause disease and how you can heal by understanding the relationship between childhood traumas and emotions and your present state of consciousness.
Daily Schedule
Sunday, July 5
- Invocation by Apela Colorado
- Presentation on Chartres/Liberal Arts/Grammatica by Jim Garrison
- The Power of the Word with Peggy Rubin
- Faculty Introduction
- Chartres: A Mosaic of Images and Sound
- Opening Ceremony
Monday, July 6
- Invocation by Apela Colorado
- Opening Reflections with Jim Garrison
- Heart Resonance, Lecture and Discussion with Sheva Carr and Robert Browning
- Heart Coherence Meditation with Sheva Carr and Robert Browning
- Contemplation on the Crypt and the Black Madonna by Andrew Harvey
- Ritual Close
Tuesday, July 7
- Invocation by Apela Colorado
- Gabor Mate on Trauma and Healing, a recorded dialogue with Jim Garrison
- Heart Coherence Meditation
- Dream Circle convened by Apela Colorado
- Music from the St. Charles Room, Chartres – cello, piano, flute and voice
- Ritual Close
Wednesday, July 8
- Invocation by Apela Colorado
- Thomas Hubl on Transgenerational Trauma, a recorded dialogue with Jim Garrison
- Heart Coherence Meditation
- Embodiment Practice with Banafsheh Sayyad
- The Labyrinth, lecture and slide presentation by Calen Rayne
- Labyrinth Meditation
- Ritual Close
Thursday, July 9
- Invocation by Apela Colorado
- The New Physics of Nassim Haramein with Jim Garrison
- Heart Coherence Meditation
- Cosmic Geometry with Marshall Lefferts
- Discussion and Sharing
- The Cathedral, Womb of Healing and Transformation – Words and Images
- Ritual Close
Friday, July 10
- Invocation by Apela Colorado
- The Transformative Power of Meditation with Jim Garrison
- Heart Coherence Meditation
- The Power of Prayer to Transform with Caroline Myss
- Celebration of Chartres – Offerings from NextGen, Dream Group, and the Community
- Ritual Close
Saturday, July 11
- Invocation by Apela Colorado
- Summary of the Week with Jim Garrison
- Heart Coherence Meditation
- Group Sharing
- Ritual Close
Chartres Academy NextGen Mentors
Our NextGen Program will support the participants under 30. The Mentors are drawn from the Millennial staff of Ubiquity University who have deep spiritual practices and experience in teaching young people: Nora Silini, Director of the Integral Transpersonal Program, Matt Robertson, Director of Student Affairs, and Raji Jayasinghe, VP for Asia. The NextGen program will provide an opportunity for people under 30 to join together for their own activities and community building.
Our Lineage
Ubiquity Chartres Academy builds upon and reinterprets the original Chartres Academy founded by Fulbert in 1006 when he became bishop of Chartres. Fulbert called his school the Academy to indicate that he was in the lineage of Plato’s Academy founded in 387 B.C in Athens. We at Ubiquity University are privileged to be in this lineage and to count Fulbert and Plato among the giants upon whose shoulders we sit.
Our Chartres Academy is intended as a gathering point for a contemporary wisdom community to come together through the very same learning system that Fulbert and Plato used — the seven Liberal Arts. The Liberal Arts were initially refined by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who organized the first four, called the Quadrivium, comprised of music, mathematics, geometry and astronomy. Plato learned the Quadrivium from Pythagoras and with Aristotle developed the Trivium of grammar, rhetoric and logic. Together, they form the seven Liberal Arts.
The Liberal Arts were designed by these great thinkers as initiatory rites into the deepest truths about the universe, with each Liberal Art describing a certain essential element of the larger whole and designed to prepare the students for both professional skills and spiritual awareness. The goal for both students and teachers was to participate in an alchemical process of transformation leading to a deeper understanding of the universe and how to live an active compassionate life in the community.
Building on this foundation, the Seven Liberal Arts were brought to their highest expression by the Chartres Academy during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The seven arts also shaped the education refined during the Renaissance and gave rise to our modern “liberal arts” education, although education today has long lost the deep spiritual aspects of the original liberal arts. This is what the academies of Plato, then Fulbert, sought to instill, and that now our Chartres Academy seeks to recover and utilize as a transformational tool for what Plato called “the enlargement of the soul.”
What makes the Chartres Academy such a powerful experience is that it convenes in one of the most sacred sites in the world — the place which the ancient Druids, coming to the region over 3,500 years ago, considered the most sacred site in all of Europe, full of feminine energy. Each year, the entire Celtic tribe would convene in Chartres, called their vatican, meaning “the seat.”
This is the site where the cathedral now stands. Chartres has been a focal point for the veneration of the Divine Feminine and a center for the mysteries of healing and birth for thousands of years, and has been considered sacred from the earliest of times. This veneration was memorialized in stone and glass in the sweeping Gothic architecture of the cathedral, which the builders viewed as a form of sacred writing. Over 400 images of the feminine grace its walls and stained glass windows. The great mythologist Joseph Campbell called Chartres the ”womb of the world.“ It is also known as “queen of cathedrals,” such is the beauty and perfection of its form. It rivals the Taj Mahal as an architectural masterpiece designed and built in the spirit of love.
Fulbert and the Chartrian Masters who succeeded him, following Pythagoras and Plato, guided by the sacred feminine, understood that proportion and rhythm underlies the order of the cosmos. Their genius is that they were able to represent this perfection in the cathedral they built as a tribute to this truth.
Our Future in Chartres
2019 marked the end of two cycles of the seven liberal arts convened in Chartres by the Wisdom School of Ubiquity University.
2020 marks the beginning of our third cycle. We are starting with Grammatica, the foundational liberal art, first developed by Plato 2500 years ago in a grove of trees outside Athens where he held his Academy. For Plato, the foundation of learning was language. Through language, we understand and name the world. Through the Word, through Sound, the ancients thought creation came to be. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God,” says the Gospel of John.
A critical part of the new cycle will be the active inclusion of youth, which we will be doing through the establishment of the Ubiquity Chartres Academy NextGen designed to provide young people with the skills they need to unleash their highest potential (See below).
Required reading for students taking the course for credit and recommended reading for all participants
– Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon, Joe Dispenza
– When the Body Says No, Gabor Mate
– The Golden Age of Chartres, Rene Queridos
To attend the New Chartres Academy is to attend to the mystery of the evolution of a new Consciousness.
Nourishment, Joy, Wisdom, a new language, in fact, a new view of everything living can be experienced during one’s time in Chartres.
With a faculty deeply connected to the Mysteries of Earth and Cosmos, one can go for a vast ride to sights before unknown.
I highly recommend it!– Linda
If you love learning and sharing with other conscious, aware people, this is a wonderful place to be. The Cathedral works on you in ways you can never imagine, as do the faculty and other talented participants.
– Janet
This experience was life-changing for me. The love, integrity and exuberance of the teachers gifted us all. Fellow students were truly beautiful people, seekers whose hearts were very open. The rituals were powerful and provided exceptional experiences inside this magnificent Cathedral. I plan to come back again and again to practice becoming the “divine human,” standing on the shoulders both of the Chartres masters and of our Beloved.
– Raines
July 5(Sunday) - July 11(Saturday) (All Day) PST(GMT+00:00)