Coherence Pulse Archive 2021

April 2021

Big Thank-You to our Broadcast Partners
AwakeTV, Unify, EarthdanceTV,
Islands of Coherence

This Month's Featured Partner
Islands of Coherence Network

Watch the Islands of Coherence Partner Spotlight including music by Entheo, Intro to IOC Network and Member Testimonials or listen to just the member comments and closing song.

If inspired by what you hear, come join us in the Islands of Coherence Network

“Thank you so much for this beautiful now part of The Islands of answer to prayer! 
Pulsing coherent love, peace and joy to all!“??? - Anna Corbett

? “The islands of Coherence is a higher order” ~ Midi Berry

Coherence is our natural state
It’s time to claim it!

Islands of Coherence

A Heart-Centered Social Network

In the Islands of Coherence Network, love is our core principle, cultivating coherence is our core practice, and co-creating a thriving future for all is our shared purpose.

If you are choosing to lead with love through this challenging and potentiated time and know it takes a village to sustain that choice, then we invite you to join the Islands of Coherence Network.

Let love be our legacy!

Hosted by Live It Now Productions, in collaboration with Global Coherence Pulse