Founding Partner Spotlight
Coherence Hotspot
Change Happens when we Connect
Through science, innate wisdom, community and consciousness, we can make a critical shift on this planet - one that empowers us to create a harmonious, coherence relationship with the natural world, with out inner selves, and with each other. Every week we are helping to lift global consciousness while we create personal and global planetary health.
This global platform is endorsed by the HeartMath® Institute.
HIDI Fibonacci Heart Mantra
Learn More
Indulge yourself by creating a new healthy habit! Receive a daily Coherence reminder broadcast for 21 days.
Coherence is the path to personal, social and global healing, and it starts with you!
A Gift for you... (free download)
Wanna help? Become a Hotspotter!
The world changes when we change. Through our online training, you will empower yourself, and therefore, help empower others, because change happens when we connect.
"Born from a deep passion for healing our planet, the global Coherence Hotspot network was established in 2018."

Personal Coherence
Heart coherence is key in building emotional, mental and physical resilience. Inner balance starts here.

Social Coherence
The effect of a coherent group is extremely powerful. This enables others around us to become coherent too. Photo: Bogotá.

Social Change
Creating collective coherence is a highly effective, and yet an undervalued way of creating social change.