Founding Partner Spotlight
HeartMath Institute
HMI has developed reliable, scientifically validated tools since 1991 helping people reduce and avoid stress while experiencing increased peace, satisfaction and enjoyment. Research at the HeartMath Institute shows that, adding heart to our daily activities and connections produces measurable benefits to our own and others’ well-being.
Our Mission
The mission of the HeartMath Institute is to help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance. This unfolds the path for becoming heart-empowered individuals who choose the way of love, which they demonstrate through compassionate care for the well-being of themselves, others and Planet Earth.
HeartMath Institute Research Director discusses why heart coherence is essential in stress management and sustainable behavioral change.
The HeartMath System offers the hope of new, effective solutions for the many daunting problems that face society by restoring balance and maximizing every individual’s potential.
Since 1991, when Doc Childre founded the nonprofit HeartMath Institute, our vision has been to provide tools that connect us with “the heart of who we truly are.” Today HeartMath serves people of all ages and walks of life around the world in their homes, classrooms and communities – so they can live healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives.
We research and develop reliable, scientifically based tools that bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen people’s connection with the hearts of others. This empowers people to greatly reduce stress, increase resilience and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making better choices.
HMI’s simple, user-friendly mental and emotional self-regulation tools and techniques provide benefits in the moment and over sustained periods. They enable people everywhere to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, intuitive insight and fulfillment.
Special Gifts from HeartMath Institute
FREE Access HeartMath Educational Programs
The Science of Interconnectivity
Exploring the Human-Earth Connection
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. and Annette Deyhle, Ph.D.
HeartMath Introduction
April 2020 Presentation
by Rollin McCraty
HMI, Director of Research
Connect and Engage
Global Coherence App
The Global Coherence App created by the HeartMath Institute connects people from all around the world who have a sincere desire to add heart to their daily lives and the world itself.

Download the FREE Global Coherence App and login while you are participating in the Global Coherence Pulses and other HeartMath Global Care Focus events and your general location will register on the map. It is inspiring to see the map light up!
Deepen your participation in the research.
Inner Balance Sensor
Using an Inner Balance Pulse Sensor with the APP during the Global Coherence Pulse will measure your individual coherence and the coherence contribution of the global group.

Take Charge of How You Feel
The Inner Balance Sensor™ trains you to shift and replace emotional stress with emotional balance and coherence.Using Inner Balance for 5 to 10 minutes a day can bring more ease and mental and emotional composure and resiliency into your life.
Available in the HeartMath Institute Store.
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