Coherence Pulse Archive 2021
March 2021
with Jude Currivan, Jane Corbett & Manose Newa

This special Equinox Pulse generated a heart-centered coherent field to welcome in the first day of Spring (or Autumn) and pave the way for all the World Water Day events happening around the world.
“Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.” – Luna Leopold
This Pulse session honours the vital role that water plays in our bodies and in all life on Earth, and it reminds us what a very special planet we live on.
Soar with Manose and his flute, his nourishing voice and boundless joy!
Follow along with Jude as she tells Water's birth story.
Journey with Jane deeply into the waters within and all around us
as we Pulse the Planet with our Heart-Centered Coherence.
Continue diving deep with Kristin Hoffman’s music video - "Waters of Life"
and then bring all the blessings deep into your heart
and into the water in your glass to bless and nourish you
and the land around your home.
We close this Pulse with Marya Stark’s music video - "Water into Water"
“A beautiful experience.”

Jude Currivan
Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, author of The Cosmic Hologram and co-founder of WholeWorld-View.
As a life-long water baby, she is a Piscean, a Water Dragon and a scuba diver, marvelling at and ever grateful for Gaia's waters in all their glorious forms.

Jane Corbett
Jane Corbett is a facilitator of Generative leadership and innovation processes. As we work with our personal and collective evolution and the intelligence of our hearts, we can grow our capacity for systems transformation and the renewal of a civilisation, in tune with the very special planet that we share. She is a member of the WholeWorld-View core team.
Her fascination with water began as a small child, fascinated by the dance of light on water, the swirling patterns of water flowing in rivers and the pulsing of waves in the sea.

Manose Newa
Visit Manose on Facebook
Kristin Hoffman
World Water Day
As we pulse the planet with our heart-centered coherence, we will help to prepare the field for this year’s World Water Day on 22nd March.
For the first time this year, this includes a 24-Hour World Water Gathering, which is inviting us all into a deeper relationship with water, each other and the planetary home that we share.
Big Thank-You to our Broadcast Partners
AwakeTV, Unify, EarthdanceTV, Islands of Coherence
Islands of Coherence
A Heart-Centered Social Network
In the Islands of Coherence Network, love is our core principle, cultivating coherence is our core practice, and co-creating a thriving future for all is our shared purpose.
If you are choosing to lead with love through this challenging and potentiated time and know it takes a village to sustain that choice, then we invite you to join the Islands of Coherence Network.
Coherence is our natural state
It’s time to claim it!
Let love be our legacy!
Hosted by Live It Now Productions, in collaboration with Global Coherence Pulse