Coherence Pulse Archive 2021
May 2021
Theme: Establishing Love as the Planetary Baseline
With Rollin McCraty, Claudia Welss & Manose
The collective radiations of love into the planetary energetic field environment helps people to rise above their fears, sadness and connects with the hearts of others.
The global speed of increasing stress and chaos is awakening more people to the understanding that it’s highly intelligent to start getting along with each other through cooperation and compassion.
This requires opening our hearts, along with commitments to treat each other as we want to be treated. As more genuine care for each other streams through our interactions, this dissipates clouds of density and repressed energies from separation which will help society draw new intuitive solutions for personal, social and global challenges. It’s more important than ever to broadcast love, compassion and calm into the global energetic field.
Enjoy the Meditation Segment of this Pulse

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. of Boulder Creek, California, is one of the primary creators of the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) and director of research for GCI and HeartMath Institute. He is project coordinator and the principle designer of GCI’s scientific component, the Global Coherence Monitoring System and its international network of magnetic field sensor sites. A professor at Florida Atlantic University, McCraty heads up HMI and GCI researchers investigating the relationship between human and geomagnetic field environments and the interconnectedness of and communication among all living things. They are studying how these fields act as central synchronizing signals within the body, carry emotional information and serve as key mediators of energetic interactions between people and living systems. McCraty holds numerous memberships, including with the American Autonomic Society, Pavlovian Society, National Association for Psychological Science, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and Society for Scientific Exploration. He has written scientific articles for many professional journals, given interviews for feature articles and television segments and appeared in numerous documentary films.

Claudia Welss
Claudia Welss is cofounder of the Global Coherence Pulse and a pioneer in bridging practical consciousness research with social and technological innovations to accelerate the shift to regenerative cultures and humanity's next level of evolution. She’s Chairman of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a scientific research organization and experiential discovery lab founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and Founding Chair of Invest in Yourself Working Group at NEXUS Global Summit and Network, bridging the critical relationship between personal and planetary regeneration for a community of thousands of Millennial philanthropists, impact investors, social entrepreneurs, activists and influencers. As a citizen scientist, impact investor and philanthropist herself, she advises and funds experimental ventures that have the potential to accelerate large-scale change and increase coherence across domains.
She's a founding steering committee member of the Global Coherence Initiative and recently joined the Board of Directors for Space for Humanity. Her work has been cited and her articles/essays have appeared in numerous online media and print publications including the forthcoming Our Moment of Choice (Simon & Schuster, 2020). She's also an executive producer of multimedia including the upcoming The Space Less Traveled (2021), and the Edgar Mitchell Virtual Reality Experience (July 2020).

Manose Newa
Manose, Nepal-born and globally recognized Grammy nominated artist, has been touring for more than two decades, spreading the essence of music, mantras, and wisdom of Eastern philosophy.
When asked what or who has had the greatest musical influence on his playing, he thinks for a moment and says “this very moment of existence and silence”.
"These events are truly remarkable.…the world needs it!" ~laureen
"I feel so inspired by this information, thank you so much." ~Jane Bennett
"Uplifting! So much love!" ~Adelina Treitli
"Such a beautiful peaceful vibrant gathering ! THANK YOU" ~Kremena
Big Thank-You to our Broadcast Partners
AwakeTV, Unify, EarthdanceTV, Islands of Coherence
Saturday Night Alive
Theme: Becoming an Island of Coherence & Pulsing the Planet with Love
with Bruce Lipton, Kristin Hoffmann, Chris Decker , Claudia Welss, Manose Newa, Nikita Gearing, Gary Malkin, Jennifer Hill, Cornflower, Michael Lindfield, Danette Wolpert, Teresa Collins, Debra Guisti, Scott Catamas
Do you believe that small clusters of humanity living in coherence can help shift the tide from a current of fear to one of love?
If yes, then how can we individually and collectively engage and embody this capacity?
What we believe guides our attention and choices, our commitments and actions, and the quality of our presence and interactions. What we feed the field matters!
This week’s show was co-hosted by Global Coherence Pulse and the Islands of Coherence Network.
Coherence is our natural state
It’s time to claim it!
Islands of Coherence
A Heart-Centered Social Network
In the Islands of Coherence Network, love is our core principle, cultivating coherence is our core practice, and co-creating a thriving future for all is our shared purpose.
If you are choosing to lead with love through this challenging and potentiated time and know it takes a village to sustain that choice, then we invite you to join the Islands of Coherence Network.
Let love be our legacy!
Hosted by Live It Now Productions, in collaboration with Global Coherence Pulse