Coherence Pulse Archive 2021
September 18th, 2021
Theme: A New Era of Peace
with Joanie Ciardelli, Jude Currivan, Claudia Welss & Theo Grace
In recent years a new science is emerging that transcends the illusion of separation. Its unifying wholeworld-view narrative can help heal our hearts and minds with a re-membering to which we have all-ways belonged; to ourselves, each other, our planetary home Gaia and the entire Cosmos.
We are microcosmic co-creators with the evolutionary impulse of our entire Universe and can become co-partners with that impulse embodied in our planetary home, Gaia.
During this Pulse and PeaceWave, Joanie Ciardelli will share a brief 40-year history of the International Day of Peace, Culture of Peace Initative and its steward, Pathway to Peace, and Jude Currivan will guide us in a Universal Heart Meditation attuning us with the evolutionary impulse and pulse its highest expression and purpose through ourselves and our planetary Gaiafield.

Joanie Ciardelli, Co-Founder Pathways to Peace
Joanie (Misrack) Ciardelli is a very part-time resource and volunteer in the area of peace-building. She was Co-founder of Pathways To Peace (PTP) in 1983 with Founder Avon Mattison, and a Director of the organization until 2002. She continues to be an Advisor, and represents PTP on the Steering Committee of the United Nations Association of Marin. For many years she represented PTP on the Board of the Citizens for a UN People’s Assembly, and served on the Peace and later Democracy and Justice Committees of the Threshold Foundation. She is now on their Documentary Film Funding Circle, which became an interest because of her volunteering for the last 9 years at the Sundance Film Festival. Joanie is also involved in socially responsible investing, having spent many years in the corporate world of business. This included directing/managing Marketing Research for Levi Strauss International and Del Monte Corporation, and consulting/resourcing in leadership development for a large-scale corporate change endeavor. Joanie was a co-founder of Soviet-American Business Opportunities, Inc. and served as President of the American Marketing Association, San Francisco Chapter. She has published articles on “Marketing Peace” and participated on several panels related to PTP’s programs: the Culture of Peace Initiative and Peace Within Organizations.
Joanie holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration/Marketing from the University of California at Berkeley, a Masters of Business Administration in Management from Golden Gate University, and an “Agent of Conscious Evolution” Certificate from the Institute of Conscious Evolution. She is married to Dr. Jack Ciardelli, Jr., and they share their home with the original Peace Cat, Princess Jasmine. She very much enjoys traveling — especially to visit Jack’s five children, ten grandchildren, and two great grandsons. Joanie’s research skills have turned to photography and genealogy, tracing and documenting family back several generations. She began the process of documenting the history of PTP through photos, which will eventually be published as a book and on line.

Jude Currivan, Co-Founder WholeWorld-View
Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, author, previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and co-founder of WholeWorld-View. She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood, travelled to over eighty countries and worked with wisdom keepers of many traditions. She integrates leading edge science, consciousness research and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view, holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in cosmology and quantum physics.
International author of six non-fiction books, her latest is silver Nautilus award-winning The Cosmic Hologram- In-formation at the Center of Creation.
Her next book Gaia: Her-Story is due to be published Spring 2022
Learn More About Jude:
Evolutionary Leaders Circle:

Claudia Welss
Claudia Welss is cofounder of the Global Coherence Pulse and a pioneer in bridging practical consciousness research with social and technological innovations to accelerate the shift to regenerative cultures and humanity's next level of evolution. She’s Chairman of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a scientific research organization and experiential discovery lab founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and Founding Chair of Invest in Yourself Working Group at NEXUS Global Summit and Network, bridging the critical relationship between personal and planetary regeneration for a community of thousands of Millennial philanthropists, impact investors, social entrepreneurs, activists and influencers. As a citizen scientist, impact investor and philanthropist herself, she advises and funds experimental ventures that have the potential to accelerate large-scale change and increase coherence across domains.
She's a founding steering committee member of the Global Coherence Initiative and recently joined the Board of Directors for Space for Humanity. Her work has been cited and her articles/essays have appeared in numerous online media and print publications including the forthcoming Our Moment of Choice (Simon & Schuster, 2020). She's also an executive producer of multimedia including the upcoming The Space Less Traveled (2021), and the Edgar Mitchell Virtual Reality Experience (July 2020).

Theo Grace
Theo Grace (Producer of Entheo): Since Theo began writing songs, producing and performing in 2010 he’s produced and released 2 acoustic albums, 2 EDM albums and 7 ambient albums with the intention to expand the minds and open the hearts of listeners. His acoustic songs have been called “anthems of awakening,” because they reflect and amplify the culture of consciousness growing around the planet right now. He blends a pop sensibility with dharma infused messages and teachings, aiming to illuminate human shadows with the light of compassion, and offer healing vibrations of understanding and hope. Theo’s “sat-songs” provide a balm for the tender places in our hearts, relaxing the nervous system and invigorating consciousness into a heightened state of love and compassion for self and humanity.
ALL Theo Grace Offerings:
NEW Theo Grace Singles:
Video One Song -
Big Thank-You to our Broadcast Partners
AwakeTV, Unify, EarthdanceTV, Islands of Coherence
Islands of Coherence
A Heart-Centered Social Network
In the Islands of Coherence Network, love is our core principle, cultivating coherence is our core practice, and co-creating a thriving future for all is our shared purpose.
If you are choosing to lead with love through this challenging and potentiated time and know it takes a village to sustain that choice, then we invite you to join the Islands of Coherence Network.
Let love be our legacy!
Hosted by Live It Now Productions, in collaboration with Global Coherence Pulse